Markdown is a great way of writing content and over the years we’ve seen a lot of common extensions to Markdown such as tables, fenced code blocks, footnotes and more.
When Markdown doesn’t support a feature you want you can simply write HTML but this can get a bit messy and goes against Markdowns strength of having highly readable source code.
This article will explain how you can add your own features to Markdown and extend it with middleware. It has the unfortunate side-effect of not making the source content very portable however it’s a great way to add functionality to environments that you are in control of.
For the purposes of this example I will be using a mix of standard Markdown and the following features we’ll be adding:
We’ll add support to import content into our document.
Slugified heading IDs
We’ll change headings to have slugified IDs so you can link to them easily.
Dynamic content
We’ll add support to dynamically replace some content. In this example I’ll use
as my examples.
Note: If you get stuck you can view a working example of this code here.
Source document
Here is the Markdown document that we’ll be using in this tutorial.
# Hello world
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
## Partials
source: /partials/
## Slugified heading IDs
All of the headings in this document will have IDs
## Dynamic content
The current year is $CURRENT_YEAR.
Here is an example code block:
curl -X "POST" "" \
-H "X-Api-Key: $API_KEY" \
-d "text=Hello $USERNAME"
Setting up the pipeline
We’ll be using a pipeline and filters to write our extensions, just like middleware they take an input, make changes then returns an output. This keeps the concerns of each filter very separate whilst allowing each filter to build on the result of previous filters.
For the purposes of this example we’ll be using two Ruby libraries. Banzai for the pipeline and Redcarpet to render the Markdown but the method used here can be translated into your language of choice.
# markdown_pipeline.rb
class MarkdownPipeline < Banzai::Pipeline
def initialize
MarkdownFilter, # Convert the Markdown to HTML
Setting up filters
Filters are simple. They take an input, make some changes and then return an output that is passed to the next filter or back to the caller once all filters have been run.
input --> filter --> output --> HTML
#1 - DynamicContentFilter
This is the simplest of our filters. Think of it as a programmatic find-and-replace.
The gsub
method returns a copy of the string with the all occurrences of pattern substituted for the second argument.
# dynamic_content_filter.rb
class DynamicContentFilter < Banzai::Filter
def call(input)
input.gsub("$CURRENT_YEAR", Time.current.year)
#2 - CredentialsFilter
This filter is similar to DynamicContentFilter
. We’re doing a search and replace here but this time we’ll take a piece of data from the current user’s session (provided that there is one).
# credentials_filter.rb
class CredentialsFilter < Banzai::Filter
def call(input)
# e.g. Either "Hello Adam" or "Hello world"
input.gsub!("$USERNAME", current_user ? current_user.first_name : "World")
# e.g. Either "ABC123" or "EXAMPLE_API_KEY"
input.gsub("$API_KEY", current_user ? current_user.api_key : "EXAMPLE_API_KEY")
You could even extend this further so that the Regex was /$USER('(.+?)')/
which would allow you to specify which user
attribute to return.
#3 - PartialFilter
In this example we’ll simply use Regex to search for our block. Notice the /m
option, this is used to make our look-ahead capture over multiple lines.
This time we’ll be using a block with the gsub
method this will replace the entire Regex match with the returned string within the block.
# partial_filter.rb
class PartialFilter < Banzai::Filter
def call(input)
# Regex for the block, capture the contents
input.gsub(/```partial(.+?)```/m) do |s|
# Run the captured contents (accessed with $1) through YAML to read the config
config = YAML.load($1)
# Take the source key from the config, this is the file we'll be injecting.
document_path = "./#{config["source"]}"
# Read the contents of the file and return the result
#4 - MarkdownFilter
This is the penultimate filter. We’ll simply use Redcarpet to convert our Markdown to HTML.
# markdown_filter.rb
class MarkdownFilter < Banzai::Filter
def call(input)
def renderer
@renderer ||=
def markdown
@markdown ||=, options)
#5 - HeadingFilter
This filter is a little more involved. We want to ensure we’re only adding IDs to syntax that actually ends up being heading tags (i.e. h1
, h2
, h3
etc.). Because of this it’s safer if we run this filter after it has been converted to HTML.
We could do this with Regex but let’s instead use a tool called Nokogiri to interoperate the HTML and do the heavy lifting.
# heading_filter.rb
class HeadingFilter < Banzai::Filter
def call(input)
@input = input
document.css('h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6').each do |heading|
# parameterize is part of ActiveSupport::Inflector
# See for alternative if you do not
# have this module available.
heading['id'] = heading.text.parameterize
def document
@document ||= Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(@input)
To render our document all you need to do is call the pipeline with the document source.
# app.rb
document ="./")
content =
puts content
The final output should look something like this:
<h1 id="hello-world">Hello world</h1>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
<h2 id="partials">Partials</h2>
<p>I am the contents of <code>/partials/</code></p>
<h2 id="slugified-heading-ids">Slugified heading IDs</h2>
<p>All of the headings in this document will have IDs</p>
<h2 id="dynamic-content">Dynamic content</h2>
<p>The current year is 2017.</p>
<p>Here is an example code block:</p>
<pre><code>curl -X "POST" "" \
-H "X-Api-Key: ABC123" \
-d "text=Hello Adam"
This isn’t always the right solution but if you control your environment and manage your own content though Markdown adding bespoke functionality can be a practical way of enhancing your document source without adding messy HTML to it. This method is actively being used by our team in building the Nexmo developer portal.
These examples are only simple but the possibilities are endless. Let me know if you build any useful filters on [email protected].
You can find the working source code for this here.